
Portraits Of Nørrebro

Each episode reveals a new portrait of the Nørrebro neighborhood, known for its diversity and working-class history. We follow artists, activists, teachers, and farmers... in their everyday lives and share their dreams, fears and, passions.
Our characters are dreamers, creators, game changers.

The series is intended to be published on various SoMe platforms, to generate interest around the season's topic. Each new release will be associated with a premiere screening where local actors and participants will be invited to meet and discuss.


 "Hjerte Slag" is a documentary that follows the trajectory of the autonomous movement in Denmark, with a focus on the struggle to keep the old house at Jagtvej 69 as a space for young people.

The film explores the experiences of thousands of activists who fought to preserve the house and its role in the community. At the heart of the film is Jacob, who serves as the narrative thread, guiding the audience through a series of events and experiences that are marked by both hope and disappointment. The film captures the passion and dedication of those who fought to keep the Youth House alive, as well as the challenges they faced in their efforts to do so.   

Set in a working-class neighborhood in Copenhagen, "Hjerte Slag" provides a vivid portrayal of the struggle to maintain a sense of community and belonging in the face of broader societal and economic changes. The film showcases the importance of grassroots activism in creating and sustaining spaces for young people to gather, connect, and express themselves.

Throughout the documentary, viewers are invited to witness the evolution of the Youth House and the people who fought to keep it alive. The film captures both the triumphs and setbacks of this ongoing struggle, ultimately serving as a testament to the power of collective action and the resilience of the human spirit.

We are in the water already

The Liberian civil war had a profound impact on the country's civilian population, resulting in significant loss of life and widespread displacement. Many civilians were forced to abandon their homes and land properties and seek refuge elsewhere.

In the years that followed, these properties were occupied by individuals, not only combatants, who were seeking shelter or opportunistic gain. With the cessation of hostilities in 2003, many former property owners attempted to reclaim their land and homes. However, this led to a conflict of ownership, as occupiers resisted these efforts and sought to maintain possession of the properties in question.

The film captures the emotional toll of the conflict, portraying the despair and frustration experienced by former owners who have lost so much already, as well as the determination of occupiers to hold on to their homes and properties. Ultimately, the film provides a sobering reminder of the lasting impact of war on civilians and the difficulties faced in rebuilding a community and restoring a sense of normalcy to people's lives.

Calle Guardia 14

This film offers an intimate portrayal of the residents of an old house located in the "El Raval", district of Barcelona. The story centers around the new landlords who repeatedly visit the tenants in an attempt to evict them.

Calle Guardia 14 serves as a poignant depiction of the changes that occur within the Casco Antiguo district of Barcelona when a building is sold along with its occupants.

Through the use of irony, the camera captures the reality of the situation as the new landlords and potential clients tour each apartment in the building.

Ultimately, the film provides a human and introspective perspective on the transformation of the historic Barrio Raval district in Barcelona.